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10 Reasons to Thank Seafarers.

Sea blindness’ is a term used to describe how invisible the importance and impact of global shipping is to our everyday lives and I put it that at its heart are the brave seafarers who perform one of the toughest jobs in the world by running ships through the roughest seas and riskiest areas with demanding schedules and long contracts. During the Covid Pandemic they kept going while most of us isolated.

Seafarers are one of those neglected professionals, who deserve our appreciation and it is one reason why the IMO ( International Maritime Organization) set aside June 25th every year as International Day of the Seafarer.

Every week leading up to then I will be posting a reason why we ought to thank seafarers with appreciation to MarineInsight.

#1 Seafarers run the Global Economy

90% of the world’s food, fuel, raw material and manufactured goods are delivered by sea which requires skilled seafarers to operate, maintain and repair. What would happen to the world if the ships and seafarers didn’t work? It is because of these skilled and brave seafarers that businesses around the world continue to thrive and people are able to buy the things they need. While seafarers work is not visible to most people their work is indispensable. It is high time they get the respect and recognition that they deserve.


One, if not the biggest challenge for seafarers is staying away from their loved ones while they carry out their duties at sea for up to 9 months . They miss important occasions like birthdays, weddings and funerals. While  people on land celebrate and socialize at every possible opportunity, seafarers continue to toil away at sea to ensure that those celebrations do not stop, even at the cost of their own happiness. It is a sacrifice they have to make to give family a better quality of life.

#3 They work in the toughest weather

Taking cargo from one port to other often involves facing ugly storms and monstrous waves. The sea isn’t as friendly as it seems when watched from shore. In spite of all the latest technological advancement, a seafarer at sea is at the mercy of nature. Those working on land can never fathom the hardships one has to face in such an environment. It is hard to eat, to sleep , you feel sick and dizzy sometimes for days.
Seafarers work through the  unfriendliest conditions in many cases because they need to support their families. They ensure that businesses and the lives of people  on shore around the world do not stop.
We thank you seafarers for your selfless courage.


#4 Seafarers Risk Their Lives Through Piracy and War Zones

According to a report, more than 100,000 seafarers at any one time either travel or are planning to go through dangerous areas. Ships in recent months have been highjacked and seafarers taken as hostages. They are tortured, abused, and kept in miserable conditions as prisoners.The wars in Ukraine and the Middle East are impacting seafarers in the Black Sea and the Suez Canal. Seafarers don’t work to be shot at! 
However inspite of all the risks and fear, seafarers continue to do their duties through these dangerous areas. The least we owe these seafarers is our gratitude and to keep asking stakeholders to do more to ensure their safety and provide a resolution to the threat.


#5. Seafarers Face Extreme Health Hazards

Working on ships is not easy. Apart from physical hazards such as diseases and injuries caused due to accidents, seafarers also fall prey to psychological problems such as homesickness, loneliness, stress and fatigue. If something happens onboard there are in most cases no possibilities to turn to an expert and get extra medical help. Seafarers have to manage everything themselves when at sea. But no matter how many risks they have to face working on board ships, they continue with their jobs and face the health hazards  bravely by acquiring knowledge and training and supporting one another. Seafarers perform some of the most dangerous jobs. Do they need any greater reason to be thanked?

#6 Seafarers Follow Tough Regulations and Laws

With the increasing number of stringent regulations related to ships around the world, environmental being one, seafarers are facing challenges to ensure their own safety and to abide by the rules and regulations. Add to this that each country  has its own law and regulations which they can freely use to criminalize a seafarer  this being done with the intention to raise revenue or settle political issues such as in the form of bribes. Seafarers have been made scapegoats by countries desperately wanting to prove a point to other nations such as  being imprisoned, including held onboard for an indefinite time, treated in the most deplorable manner and they don’t have the luxury or means of contacting a lawyer. Seafarers work through tough legal obligations at their own risk, increasing their vulnerability while delivering the world cargo to you and I.

#7 Seafarers Work Long Hours

Gone are the days when seafarers had the luxury of prolonged stays in port. A ship can arrive in port at anytime and it is loaded and unloaded in hours or a few days. Being in port also means additional work with inspections, loading and unloading operations, the arrival of  provisions, removal of garbage which can result in over time and less rest.

A typical 6 hour break from duty is the time a seafarer has to sleep, eat, go ashore, talk to family, do laundry etc. The routine is the same most days so can be monotonous.Seafarers work under such circumstances because that is the job and in many cases they need the money to support family, give them a better quality of life so they have no choice.

#8 Seafarers work with less rights than most shore workers

The majority of seafarers sail without proper insurance or pension policies. There have been cases when compensation for expenses and medical treatment for injuries has been denied to them. Seafarers continue to work in many cases because they need to provide for their family back home. The Maritime Labour Convention 2006 of which Canada is a signatory to is a bill of rights for seafarers setting minimum standards. There is a long way to go to get equity for seafarers making the advocacy and enforcement work all the more important.

#9 Seafarers Are At High Risk Of Criminalization and Abandonment While Performing Their Duties

According to the ITF (International Transport Federation) seafarers, including fisher folk are among the most exploited and abused group of workers in the world. They face exploitation, abuse and abandonment by shipping companies especially in tough economic times.
Seafarers are abandoned in ports, in limbo, with few or no money, no supplies and no way to get home. 
Seafarers are often made the scapegoat and wrongly accused and sentenced without a proper trial or may have a prolonged trial and can pay a heavy price.

In spite of such grave injustice and ill-treatment, seafarers perform their duties.

#10 Reasons to thank seafarers

We thank seafarers because they deserve it, see the 9 reasons above.

In service of family they work hard in challenging situations, they live with stress, overcome fear and still manage a smile.

Our sincere gratitude to the seafarers.